Dr. Christensen is the George W. Romney professor of public and nonprofit management in the MPA Program at the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University.
He specializes in public and nonprofit management and is interested in (1) public service employees and (2) public service organizations. His research has been published in Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Law & Society Review, and American Political Science Review. His work has been covered in the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal.
At the employee level he is interested in the impact of antisocial and prosocial motives and behaviors. The former includes race and gender prejudice; the latter includes public service motivation, volunteerism, workplace philanthropy, and organizational citizenship. At the organizational level he is interested in the relationship between courts (broadly institutions of public law) and public administration.
Christensen is co-editor, with Andrew Whitford, the Cambridge University Press Elements Book Series in Public and Nonprofit Administration. For more information click here.
He is a current or past editorial member of the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, International Public Management Journal, Public Administration Review, and International Journal of Public Sector Management.
He a Research Fellow at the Center for Organization Research and Design and Co-Researcher at the Center for Government Competitiveness. He is an enthusiastic advocate for Grantwell (Prof. Aaron Miller) and GoodMeasure (Prof. Eva Witesman).
His work appears in such journals as the Journal of Public Administration Review and Theory, Public Administration Review, International Public Management Journal, Nonprofit Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Public Administration, Administration & Society and several law reviews.
Rob has a bearded doppelgänger. Some have even noted a resemblance to Herbert Simon (the young, ruggedly nerdy version, I hope). Rob is intentionally saving the nickname “Bob” for retirement.
He specializes in public and nonprofit management and is interested in (1) public service employees and (2) public service organizations. His research has been published in Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Law & Society Review, and American Political Science Review. His work has been covered in the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal.
At the employee level he is interested in the impact of antisocial and prosocial motives and behaviors. The former includes race and gender prejudice; the latter includes public service motivation, volunteerism, workplace philanthropy, and organizational citizenship. At the organizational level he is interested in the relationship between courts (broadly institutions of public law) and public administration.
Christensen is co-editor, with Andrew Whitford, the Cambridge University Press Elements Book Series in Public and Nonprofit Administration. For more information click here.
He is a current or past editorial member of the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, International Public Management Journal, Public Administration Review, and International Journal of Public Sector Management.
He a Research Fellow at the Center for Organization Research and Design and Co-Researcher at the Center for Government Competitiveness. He is an enthusiastic advocate for Grantwell (Prof. Aaron Miller) and GoodMeasure (Prof. Eva Witesman).
His work appears in such journals as the Journal of Public Administration Review and Theory, Public Administration Review, International Public Management Journal, Nonprofit Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Public Administration, Administration & Society and several law reviews.
Rob has a bearded doppelgänger. Some have even noted a resemblance to Herbert Simon (the young, ruggedly nerdy version, I hope). Rob is intentionally saving the nickname “Bob” for retirement.
Research Profiles
ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6850-4975
Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=8629191300
Mendeley https://www.mendeley.com/profiles/robert-k-christensen/?viewAsOther=true
Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Robert_Christensen